Saturday, May 12, 2007

Spring garden

This photo was taken early one evening at the beginning of May. the view is across the raised beds towards the pink Weigela bush and the purple lilac bush. I am training a pale green Japanese Hop and a clematis into the lilac to give some colour later in the year.

Kitchen - nearly there now

We're nearly there now. Just the painting to do and fit a blind to the window. The paint is going to be "Soft Olive". Pale green to you and me!

This photo was taken after the kitchen had been stripped out and before the tiles were removed and the floor screeded. It all seems a long time ago!

The old kitchen. And when I say old ... But - we had some good times in this kitchen and cooked up some great meals. Please note that we got rid of the spotlights too. I promised to do this 10 years ago! Ah well!